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Friday, March 22, 2013

How to have a fresh look younger

ways to look younger, how to look 10 years younger, how to look young, how to look younger, how to look younger 10 years, how to look younger men, look young, look younger, look younger men, look younger naturally, How to have a fresh look ,younger and pleasant if years now begin to build up on each other and you do not want to resign? Brava! Do not resign, and in fact do what you can to counteract maintaining a youthful appearance. Inside and out. Here's how. Twelve tips, twelve, to seem (still) younger than you are already. Choose the ones that inspire you more and keep the other for the next time you get the urge to change something in your look.

How about, for starters, a 'whitening' teeth?
White teeth and kept giving the feeling of youth and cleaning. Ask your dentist, methods are very effective and low-risk to the health of teeth.

And ... a new haircut?
But not short! If you want to stay away from the look 40 years or so 'try to keep your hair as long as possible. Leave the hair short (which can also be very trendy, mind you) to the very young. After a certain age the hair short aging. Period.

Care well, very well, the skin of the face, and hands
They are the most exposed parts of our body and those that 'degrade' more quickly. Unfortunately. Avoid unnecessarily exposing them to the sun (though never without protection) and investment in moisturizers range and quality. A skin hydrated is a youthful skin. Or almost.

"Flip the wardrobe"
Now is the time to get rid of once and for all those leaders that make you feel so old but do you mind throwing. Do not throw them ... regalali to a friend and then go take a walk, without necessarily spending too much, looking for clothes and accessories that can refresh your style. It is also fun, do not you think?

Still on the subject of hair ... dye, but with taste
Maybe let it be those highlights to be seen everywhere, and talk to your stylist you trust. Find the color that is closest to your true color, maybe playing with some reflection. Do not choose a color too dark if you have light skin, or you will age instead of rejuvenation.

Watch the eyebrows
Do not 'piluccarle' alone, you run the risk of giving them a form unsuitable, as well as make them (even) more subtle. Talk to a specialist who will advise and make every effort to preserve them thus contributing to a youthful-looking face.

A little 'diet ... and physical activity
But do not overdo it because too much or too rapid a weight loss brings also many, many wrinkles. Everywhere. Do things calmly, without exaggerating. Virtue, someone said, is in the middle ...

Do not be afraid to talk to a specialist doctor
A good plastic dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon, will give you valuable advice and maybe advise specific products or minor surgery to correct some imperfections which otherwise would not have known how to deal with.

Careful to make
Use products (makeup and tools) quality, and are very careful to quell odiosissimo effect in ruchette makeup around the eyes. Ditto for lipstick. If you have thin lips, careful with the colors too strong that it will highlight the thinness even more. And also in that area ... attentive to the 'lipstick in fine lines' around the mouth ...

Try to always sleep at least 8 hours a night
Nothing more 'aging' of a lack of sleep. The tired, the signs on the face ... after all, they call it 'beauty sleep' for some reason. No?

If you smoke. Stop smoking immediately!
Hands Leaving aside the serious problems associated with smoking, think of yellow teeth, wrinkled skin and yellowish nails ... quit smoking and just ...

The shoes?
Heels, high if you can walk on it. Slender the line and you will feel even sexier.

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