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Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to keep young and look younger

tips and advice for women and men

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How does a woman look younger than their years ...

To look younger woman to make the picture a young girl, it is necessary to maintain harmony and maintain the natural beauty of the form.

How can this be achieved? Here are some tips to help you search for 5 - 15 years younger than his actual age:

- Growing long hair and do not paint, save your natural hair color is real. Wear your hair loose and does not curl. You can cut the thick fringe. Long hair can also be women 50-60 years.

- If you already have gray hair, painted only in their tone as close to your natural hair color.

- Give up almost entirely of makeup. Use only the mascara and perfectly transparent with no hue gloss.

- Do not paint your nails. Small nails grow long and cover with varnish.

- Visit the gym regularly or be committed, for example, Callanetics or yoga at home. Good muscle tone will make your image and soul of courage, energy and positive.

- Eat right - to completely eliminate fried foods, canned and fat. Better to cook meat and vegetables in a water bath, keeping all the vitamins.

- Drink plenty of water. This is a very positive effect on the skin. It 'best not to drink tap water and bottled or mineral.

- Take vitamins A and E. It 'also very useful for young skin.

- Keep an eye on the streets and in shopping centers that are young girls 20-25 years and bought as many similar things. But! For it allows your age. 60-year-old lady will be all the same strange look in a T-shirt with a skull and ripped jeans.
- In a good mood and smile more often.

How old women?

Even 25 years, Mauger girl looks much older than his age, 30 or even 35, what is the most common errors?

- Any, in particular the hair cut very short.

- Hair without fringe.

- Completeness and extra pounds.

- Make light.

- Painted lip color light or dark.

- Heels.

- A dark, especially black clothing.

- Jackets, wide and broad-shouldered.

- Stained and generally fashionable.

- Yellow and rotten teeth.

If you want to reverse look older than his years - keeping the above mentioned points and you can easily add visually by only 5-10 years.

 As a man look younger than their years ...

- Exercise regularly - pumped muscles have never ruin a man.

- Maintain a healthy lifestyle, quitting alcohol and smoking. Avoid stress.

- Eat right, do not go, and avoid fried foods and canned. Do not drink strong tea and coffee. This will help you not only look cool, but also to avoid future problems with your heart and overall health.

- Today, men hair cut shorter, so it's out of fashion, and so old. But long hair and it seems strange.
Stick to the golden section.

- If you start to lose your hair - wear hats, baseball hats, and now urgent.

- Paint gray hair.

- Shave every day, so your face looks much younger.

- Put a little on the young than men your age.

- With age, eyebrows become thicker and longer. Place them in a beauty salon.

The old?

- Beer belly and completeness.

- Clothing and classic costumes.

- Beard and long hair.

- Governing a typewriter.

- Smile Bad - the absence of some teeth or yellow.

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Friday, March 22, 2013

How to have a fresh look younger

ways to look younger, how to look 10 years younger, how to look young, how to look younger, how to look younger 10 years, how to look younger men, look young, look younger, look younger men, look younger naturally, How to have a fresh look ,younger and pleasant if years now begin to build up on each other and you do not want to resign? Brava! Do not resign, and in fact do what you can to counteract maintaining a youthful appearance. Inside and out. Here's how. Twelve tips, twelve, to seem (still) younger than you are already. Choose the ones that inspire you more and keep the other for the next time you get the urge to change something in your look.

How about, for starters, a 'whitening' teeth?
White teeth and kept giving the feeling of youth and cleaning. Ask your dentist, methods are very effective and low-risk to the health of teeth.

And ... a new haircut?
But not short! If you want to stay away from the look 40 years or so 'try to keep your hair as long as possible. Leave the hair short (which can also be very trendy, mind you) to the very young. After a certain age the hair short aging. Period.

Care well, very well, the skin of the face, and hands
They are the most exposed parts of our body and those that 'degrade' more quickly. Unfortunately. Avoid unnecessarily exposing them to the sun (though never without protection) and investment in moisturizers range and quality. A skin hydrated is a youthful skin. Or almost.

"Flip the wardrobe"
Now is the time to get rid of once and for all those leaders that make you feel so old but do you mind throwing. Do not throw them ... regalali to a friend and then go take a walk, without necessarily spending too much, looking for clothes and accessories that can refresh your style. It is also fun, do not you think?

Still on the subject of hair ... dye, but with taste
Maybe let it be those highlights to be seen everywhere, and talk to your stylist you trust. Find the color that is closest to your true color, maybe playing with some reflection. Do not choose a color too dark if you have light skin, or you will age instead of rejuvenation.

Watch the eyebrows
Do not 'piluccarle' alone, you run the risk of giving them a form unsuitable, as well as make them (even) more subtle. Talk to a specialist who will advise and make every effort to preserve them thus contributing to a youthful-looking face.

A little 'diet ... and physical activity
But do not overdo it because too much or too rapid a weight loss brings also many, many wrinkles. Everywhere. Do things calmly, without exaggerating. Virtue, someone said, is in the middle ...

Do not be afraid to talk to a specialist doctor
A good plastic dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon, will give you valuable advice and maybe advise specific products or minor surgery to correct some imperfections which otherwise would not have known how to deal with.

Careful to make
Use products (makeup and tools) quality, and are very careful to quell odiosissimo effect in ruchette makeup around the eyes. Ditto for lipstick. If you have thin lips, careful with the colors too strong that it will highlight the thinness even more. And also in that area ... attentive to the 'lipstick in fine lines' around the mouth ...

Try to always sleep at least 8 hours a night
Nothing more 'aging' of a lack of sleep. The tired, the signs on the face ... after all, they call it 'beauty sleep' for some reason. No?

If you smoke. Stop smoking immediately!
Hands Leaving aside the serious problems associated with smoking, think of yellow teeth, wrinkled skin and yellowish nails ... quit smoking and just ...

The shoes?
Heels, high if you can walk on it. Slender the line and you will feel even sexier.

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Rejuvenate in 10 years thanks to the look!

Instead of resorting to plastic surgery, why not resort to look to look younger?
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For a few years you feel different after having passed the fateful 40 have begun to notice that your body is slowly changing. Sometimes you feel a bit down and try to figure out a way to look younger, consider having a small facelift and maybe look longingly at the wardrobe of your daughter in her early twenties ... halt! Stop before it's too late!

The right look can really take off ten years, but must be chosen with care. First of all, avoid making use of trendy clothes on the body of a twenty year old are more than appropriate but that on you would only underline the years too. Second follow our suggestions for a trendy look that makes you look younger without the need or creams or scalpel!

First rule: no pearls. It 's true, I am a great classic, but there is little to do in age forever. Also avoid overly dark colors, choose the blue instead of black or gray! Bring out the neckline with the V-necks or blouses with a little open. Exalt the waist (not necessarily have to be a wasp waist) from your wardrobe banishing any shapeless cloak.


Buy a nice coat with slightly flared cut and a bright color, you will need to have a fresher face. Set aside vertiginous stiletto heels and opt for wider to allow you to walk with as much grace, but with less effort. Cover your arms to hide the skin begins to sag and dare with a more masculine look. Do not miss a divided skirt, must-have of the season, and a light chiffon dress for evenings finest!

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Collagen hydrolyzate: No longer a beauty secret

It seems that everyone is looking for the next beauty secret. Whether it's how to get healthier skin appearance, as to look younger, or have hair shinier, there are some secrets many should look and feel better.
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Collagen is an important part of a healthy body. It is necessary that the elasticity and skin regeneration. It is also a protein necessary for cartilage and bone. As a connective tissue that can help your skin healthy and steady. Collagen hydrolyzate is ideal to digest and a great way to get protein? Vital that collagen provides, especially if your body is low on collagen. As we get older our body produces less collagen. This is one of the reasons that the skin will start to wrinkle or sag as you get older.

When searching for products to help your skin look younger, you must ensure that it contains collagen. Collagen along with other vitamins and minerals can help your skin firmer, keep hydrated, and keep it looking younger and healthier.

Hydrolyzed collagen is also needed a strong healthy joints and bones. It can help to reduce joint pain. As you collect the hydrolyzed collagen in cartilage that helps to produce collagen, which assists in the elasticity and strength of your joints.

You should take the time to learn more about collagen and its many benefits. You should also take the time to review the ingredients in your beauty products to ensure you are getting the best product for you look younger.

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As you look younger than their years

how to look young,how to look younger,look younger,natural looking makeup,younger,look younger men,look younger naturally,look younger than my age,look younger than ageThe age of a woman is often not lived for a number of years, and determines their appearance. There are many secrets and techniques that look younger than their years to help. How much younger than you want to be - for 5, 10, 15 years? Anything is possible, but remember that between the interior and exterior appearance of harmony should be - a woman between the ages should not appear on the surface like a child and vice versa. Then examined the question of how to look younger than his years, most of the potential limitations that separate the admiration of others bitter smile.
Want to look younger - stylists and makeup artists to give you some tips on how to look younger than their years.

As you can see younger - Hair
So, you said - I want to look younger than their years. What are the first steps to look younger, you have to do? Start with the hair - you should give up in the first place, dark hair, add a few more years. Try to choose the color of one - two shades lighter than usual. Also update the face. look younger, are brighter (but not gray and white) filaments.
Elegant hairstyle - very important and the most visible part of our performance. Appropriately selected, a suitable reason is, they emphasize the natural beauty of the face, hides minor flaws, and looks at you for a few years younger. Short hair makes a woman younger. However, if you have long hair, and are not willing to change radically the image, select the pony. You can use it to hide the wrinkles on the forehead to emphasize the eyes, in order to divert attention from the lower circuits. Lots of options - Bangs can vary in length, thickness, "cracked", a direct asymmetric. Consider also that the pony is usually not suitable for owners of curly hair.

As you can see younger - Make-up
For dark colors make-up, also wear your view. In order to look younger for some years in order to avoid brown tones of lipstick, foundation too solid, not a color similar to the skin. The powder may accentuate fine lines, and if so to use masking tools, choose those that have a liquid base. The eyes can be identified to apply the eyelids, with the help of a small amount of detergent.

Wanting to look several years younger, always pay attention to the eyebrows. After 30 years, they tend to grow, which is certainly more than one person. Remove the growth of hair, eyebrows or will be unattractive. Do not shave your eyebrows. You can not go wrong with the addition of a classic shape and an average width.
Women who wear glasses, it is advisable to Bole bright makeup eye. Distracted, so you look younger. Can simultaneously balance the face and draw attention to the lips with lipstick. Caution - red lipstick does not make you younger. Notice the pink and peach shades of lipstick and lip gloss. These colors are very harmonious and refreshing facial appearance with a variety of make-up.

Lips well maintained can transform your eat regularly and moisturize the skin of the lips. And special peeling. Such care for the lips, so that they are smooth and seductive, but it is one of the undisputed indicators of youth.
Some secrets on how you look younger than their years has been shown that certain fragrances us look younger than for other permission. For example, the scent of citrus, mint. Remember this fragrance when you choose.

Of course, the skin as we age requires a systematic and comprehensive care. Can be reduced with the help of well chosen folds tools to prevent recurrence, which certainly looks younger than his years. It's not just the cream, and homemade masks for face, hands and body.

How to look younger than their years? Drink water! This is an elementary rule of reason, almost all of the password. Our body is mostly water, and the same lines - sign of largely little moisture in the skin. Want to look younger than his years, we need a rule to drink too much, blend preferably green tea and water. Dissolve favor of water, are known to have properties to cleanse and rejuvenate.

A good way to get her youth and beauty - regular cleaning of the body of toxins. Over time, the number reaches a value such that, instead of keeping our youth and beauty of the body is forced to throw all their forces to fight their events. Meanwhile, according to interviews with women who can also use a two-week course of cleansing the body seems to look younger than him, and they feel fast and strong.
With practice, these are simple ways to make you look younger. But we must not forget that the important role played by the internal state. It  important to look not only younger than him, and feel young and attractive.

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Celebrity Tips How To Look Younger

how to look younger,look younger,older women looking for younger men,how to look younger 10 years, how to look 10 years younger, ways to look younger, looking younger, look young, One of the most important concerns for women as they age is to look beautiful and younger people, this means they want to avoid wrinkles and do some tricks to look younger age. This is very common in celebrity, because they need to maintain their beauty to keep their fans and keep getting paid well.

 I'm going to briefly describe some of the secrets that celebrities use to look younger and maintain their beauty longer.

Filler-You use hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane to treat deep smile line and wrinkles on the forehead. The cost is about $ 800 dollars and the results last for about 6 months.

Botox - This is one of the most used methods to treat crows lines and wrinkles. It paralyzes the muscles beneath wrinkles. It cost about $ 400 dollars to the treated area.

Chemical Peels - They use chemical peels to remove the damaged layers of the upper skin, take this out a few years their faces.

Laser - Many celebrities turn to laser skin resurfacing to increase their production of collagen.

Professional Make-up - it's a secret that most celebrities use professional do when they go to big events and makes them look younger and more beautiful than usual.

They avoid the sun - The sun can damage the skin much, so as to avoid it or use sunscreens to protect their skin.

As you can see, there are many tricks that celebrities use to look younger than they are, some of these tricks require professional intervention and others are more simple and anyone can do. It is not necessary to obtain and expensive how to look younger, now there are great products such as creams, lotions and supplements also help your skin and in the years to look at the younger body.

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Parabens and preservatives Skin Care-How to look younger and get rid of the wrinkles Two

Dazzling, radiant, younger looking Skin starts with clean skin.

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A cleanser should be a lightweight, full-detergent oil that does not contain mineral oils. Look for a cleanser that penetrates deep into the skin cells and pores to remove makeup eye and face as well as the accumulation of daily environmental irritants. Next find a facial cleanser that steals excess oil and dirt without stripping or drying the skin ... leaving the skin clean, smooth, supple and youthful. It is clean skin important to you? Stop washing your face with stuff that is worse than dirt.

Once your skin is clean, forward to the younger and wrinkle removal. Are you ready for the toner or balance. This is visibly refine the skin and balance - and must be formulated for pH balance of the skin with light but the coverage Moisturizing. This helps to reduce the pores and refresh the skin as they moisturize and protect. Try to find a plant derived moisture complex that will keep the moisture of the skin without stickiness - as an invisible shield of moisture to protect you from the world.

Use the toner / balancer morning and evening and you should be able to look at the size of the pores seems to diminish before your eyes. When your skin care products contain what your skin needs, leaving out what you do not, the results are the results.

The next step for the young, radiant looking skin is a serum to restore silky texture, blocking the moisture from the toner / balance. This provides resiliency and elasticity for a younger looking. This is almost like an invisible veil for your face.

You should also feel your skin tighten how it works. Serum revitalizes the cells and returns youthful elasticity of the skin. It freezes the moisture provided by hydrating toner / balance. Look for a formula based on botanical ingredients that are gentle on the skin and does not contain harsh chemicals and harmful also present in some of the most popular "natural" products can be found in stores.

Moisturizer cream for the eyes and should provide moisture and rich light that penetrates deep. This builds a moisture cushion between the skin and the toxins are exposed every day to you. These products should visibly hydrate and rebuild. Look for an eye cream that has been tested and ophthalmologist includes trehalose, which acts as an antioxidant to help fight the effects of stress and environmental irritants, and collagen to help nourish and restore.

This type of formula lightens dark circles and anti-inflammatory provides support to reduce swelling. Using the right eye cream should give a "point of view, young" how it works gently to reduce fine lines, circles and puffiness, leaving the skin surrounding the eyes hydrated and nourished, instead of droopy and swollen. In order to look younger and get rid of wrinkles!

Dry, irritated skin comfort needs as well. Look for a cream liniment to provide more emollient to soothe the skin especially after shaving, waxing or for use in extreme climatic conditions. Used after shaving, a product with botanically-derived ingredients will act to protect the keratin charities razor scrape it off. Cracked and dry skin is protected and nourished to restore your health and skin tissue. Use on face, legs, hands, feet, elbows and wherever there is skin irritation. Find a lotion that gives the skin what it needs, without all of the things that makes sure that it will soothe the skin without stinging for optimal comfort and optimal results.

Dehydration of the skin is one of the main factors of skin aging. Premature aging is the result of nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and stress.

To achieve truly beautiful, younger looking skin, be sure to support optimal health inside as well. You should include in your daily regiment, natural dietary supplements to ensure that your body has the best and most bioavailable nutritional support available. Why take care of your skin with the finest ingredients botanically derived and nourish your body with cheap, synthetic supplements and dietary ineffective?

Try to vitamins and minerals with Phytochemicals in an all-natural form that your body can easily absorb. Antioxidants are needed to help protect cells from free radicals that can cause them to age prematurely. Also you need to give your body the raw materials to build the hormones of the endocrine system and the glandular support.

Nourish the body and skin in the right way can take time and effort, but will also give you radiant, luminous, younger looking skin that people envy wherever you go!

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How To Look Younger ?

How To Look Younger ,hairstyles that make you look younger,older women looking for younger men, how to look younger men, how to look 10 years younger, How to look younger? ... By age disminuirte with the physical appearance are some tips that are really good, a lot of attention. First you should know that the type of makeup, clothes and hairstyles are crucial to look younger, so choose the look you could increase to take your age or a few years out.


    It is recommended to paint dark hair if you are over 25 years and could make you look older, but few women older than 40 who are privileged to wear your hair darker without appearing older.
    Just as the colors do not encourage too dark, because then it does not obscure the skin.
    Hairstyles and haircuts can also get or take years, so it's always good to try different hairstyles, take pictures and see what suits you the most. We can not recommend a particular hairstyle or cut, because much depends on face shape, hair type and so many features that are unique to each person. In this case, you can seek the help of a professional stylist to give you some suggestions.
    Many say it is unfavorable to wear long hair after 40 years, but there are women who manage well and still has a youthful appearance, this is just a myth, I do not.

The rope dress

    To create a look younger you must use the right clothes and are in our favor, for example those that improve our attributes and also hide some parts of the body that are not to our liking.
    Remember that not wearing the same style when they were 20 years, since our body is subject to many changes and must be adapted to look at it. For example, you now have 30 years will not make the same skirt she wore when you were a teenager, it would be a terrible mistake, because it may have been fine before, but now you're aware of the changes that your body has undergone.
    You need to change your style, do not stay with the clothes, hairstyle and make-up of the past, update your look without having to be fashionable.
    If you want to look younger, we recommend using a well-cut jackets, clothing neglects very childish and remember that it is not necessary to discover both look sexy and young.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tips How To Look Younger For Your

We all want to look youthful, vibrant and energetic even if our age advances Working.
Tips how to look younger for you.
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 Sleep to enhance skin vitality.
To sleep not only helps you feel refreshed when they wake up only. But also important is the power that keeps the skin healthy. And youthful again. Because while sleeping. Autonomous nervous system Parasympathetic Nervous System is fully functional. Especially in the period between 22.00 to 02.00. The system will be delivered to every cell in the body cells to repair the tear. Slow down the degeneration of skin cells. Let's have a look. If I go to bed early and sleep. Wake up to a bright surface.

Returns the juniors with yoga.
In 5-6 years, yoga exercise has become a very well known woman. It not only helps build strong, lean body. It also helps with concentration. And a more youthful look. Yoga is a system of the body work more efficiently. Excess weight is lost skin wrinkles it will also cut down on waste.

Addition of oxygen to the skin.
Oxygen is essential for metabolism. Bring nutrients to various parts of the body. Including our skin so shorter than normal breathing or a stroke. In addition to the lungs, oxygen is not enough. The body after carbon dioxide out of the body with less. Resulting in various systems of the body work.

10 Prohibition
You who want to own your skin looking younger and healthier longer and to keep in mind that this 10.
you will be rescinded as soon as possible
- Smoking
- Soft drinks
- Alcohol
- To rub or scrub vigorously
- The late sleep
- Outdoors without protection
- Drinking too little water
- No lotion
- Knocked out of vegetable dishes
- Do not exercise